to doubt the Lord because his time has not yet come: that would be to act like
petulant children, who must have a thing at the instant, or else they think they shall
never have it.
God knows that delay will quicken and increase desire, and that if He keeps thee
waiting thou wilt see thy necessity more clearly, and wilt seek more earnestly; and
that thou wilt prize the mercy all the more for its long tarrying.
Some apparent good may be withheld, but no real good, no, not one.
Brethren, we must not take delays in prayer for denial: God’s long-dated bills will be
punctually honoured; we must not suffer Satan to shake our confidence in the God of
truth by pointing to our unanswered prayers. We are dealing with a being whose
years are without end, to whom one day is as a thousand years: far be it from us to
count him slack, by measuring his doings by the standard of our little hour.
Unanswered petitions are not unheard.
God will not give you what you cannot receive or put to healthy use.
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