Living in the city certainly has its dangers. These serve as daily reminders for city-dwellers that evil is loose in society. But, guess what that means? It means that people in cities do not need to be convinced of their need for a Savior! They are already eager for a hope that proves real. They are already longing for a better life. And they already feel the need for divine protection. The cries of the people in your city have only one answer – Jesus Christ!

In the Bible, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Life-change is possible through Jesus. This is the message that God is asking YOU to share with the hurting people in your city.
Will you step outside of your comfort zone today? Will you dare to offer someone the hope and peace found only in Jesus Christ? Take the Good News of Jesus Christ to your community. Do it today.
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